February 26, 2012

Family / Louis Riel day weekend

The December visit was nice but brief (always too brief). February presented a good opportunity to come home again. No plans this time, the only intention was to relax with my family, and we did just that.
 Here are pictures from a leisurely walk with my dad
  Early, while the town was still quiet, dad and I trudged out in our boots, looking to see how the town of Stonewall had changed since we last looked.
 We walked to the new interpretive center at Quarry Park
 Spied on some birds (of course!) as we walked to the new housing development. There's always a new housing development to check out somewhere in Stonewall.
 Shannon and I were dressed prepared to donne our boots and toques for the Festival de Voyageur but stayed in at the last minute for a night of cards and board games with mom and dad

 Mom ended up the victom of a good tease, but was a sport about it. 

We did end up going to the forks the next night. Don't ask us what the sculpture in the background is. It must be astract art, or a snowbank.
 Caribou (mulled wine) and fiddle music, where else can you have such an experience, but Winnipeg.
I love Winnipeg!

February 12, 2012

Valentines day fail

Sean picked me up some lovely flowers for Valentines Day, and I thought I was reciprocating by getting him something practical. I recalled a time in Canadian Tire where he mentioned he could use this particular thing, so I proudly walked into Canadian Tire and said to the first fellow I saw" I need a wench, the biggest wench you can find"

 yes I said that aloud... The man looked at me and said..." excuse me?" I repeated myself, correcting my poor grammer: "I need the heaviest wench you carry. It's for my boyfriend for Valentines day." He chuckled to himself and pointed me in the right direction. Luckily he did not send me to ask someone else because after I saw the box I realized my pronunciation error. 

This was a picture that circulated to Sean's friends this winter, it was titled cookie monster. Clearly I don't take well to a food refusal.. Eat the cookie!!

February 4, 2012

alcohol abuse

This is what happens when a wine carboy springs a leak. A sea of red flowed through the stove and into our kitchen.

That's right I did say sea of red didn't I? Thanks for the show of support, buddy.

good girl!

 Muggins heels on walks now..sometimes.  
Having a bribe in the pocket definitely helps
 She "hurries up" with the crowd to tinkle.
She even rides on the skidoo with us when she gets tired. (we have to still work on heeling to the skidoo)

I think the collie in her is trying to figure out how to herd this dog, that is a tough instinct to break.

I think I figured out why she hates the vacuum. I had seen her especially concerned with it after the couch was cleaned today. She thinks it competes with her for food!